Sunday, September 27, 2009

4 series of books that everybody should read

If you look for any list of the books recomended to read during your life, you gonna find several book for kids. Little Price, Wind in he willows, Where the wild things are, The wizard of oz or Harry Potter are some of them. Nobody can forget the madness after the release of the last tome of the Harry Potter saga, no matter where, no matter how old you were you read it and you could it put it down. Well lately, I had read some books of the new series of kid's book and there are four of them that everybody should read.

1. The First of this books is the five tomes series of Percy Jackson and the olympians. This series by Rick Riordan tell the story of this dyslexic mythologic hero fighting in New York for the destiny of the olympus. This series is smart and adictive, the characters are perfetly well develop. When you met Anabeth or Percy, or Grover you gonna love them and you gonna fear for their destiny. Great for kids of 7 and up, but if you like Harry Potter this is a series for you.

2. The Second of this books is Diary of a whimpy kid. This series by Jeff Kinney tell the mis-adventures of Greg Heffley, a tween whith a complex family, an older brother who play in a head band, an over protective mother but not with him, a younger brother who try to driving crazy, a father who thinks his crazy and a series of friends as weird and outcast as him. Every single person who had been in a middle school gonna find out this book hilarious and full with memories.
the book.
3. The third of this book is: The Name of this Book is Secret, If you're reading this, it's too lateand the Title of this book is not good by Pseudonymous Bosch. A fantasy book about two children Cass ans Max Ernerts, that investigate a secret, so big that even the story itself ia secret that the reason I cannot reveal more. . Even the names of the characters are false names used to protect their identities. If you liked Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfourtunate events books this a book for you. But if you read it, please don't forget keep the secret.

4.The last series is The Mysterious Benedict Society, a book by Trenton Lee Steward, this and engaging book that hook you with puzzles, mysteries and wordplays. A great story about kids trying to save the world. A book that mixed the best of Harry Potter with the Series of Unfourtunate Events. This is a series for the un-restfulmind that gonna keep you with your nose on

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